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Pregnancy loss support group

Courses: Adult / Health & Fitness -
Fall 2024

Join us for a monthly in-person support group to help in navigating your pregnancy loss and/or infertility struggles. This group has been created to be a source of encouragement and a safe place to share. It will be a place for all people to share their stories, express their feelings freely, learn from one another, and establish connections with others experiencing similar situations. We hope you consider joining this brand-new support group! 

Registration is not required to attend, but is appreciated so we know how many to expect. Once registered, feel free to come once or as many times as you'd like.

Central Education Campus : ECFE - Parent Ed Room - C209
Wed Sep 4, Wed Oct 2, Wed Nov 6, Wed Dec 4, Wed Jan 8, Wed Feb 5, Wed Mar 5, Wed Apr 2 & Wed May 7
7:00 - 8:30 PM


Already started

Price: $ 0 00