Kids' Company is a before and after school program held at your child's elementary school. Kids' Company is open on all days school is in session and many non-school days.
Summer Kids' Company School age childcare is a full day, M-F program offered in Elko New Market and New Prague.
Tiny Trojans is a new full day childcare program beginning at the age of 33 months until they are age eligible to join our District Preschool and WRAP programs.
WRAP is a childcare program designed for preschool children ages 3-5, by September 1 who are also enrolled in one of our District Preschool classes.
Join us for some fun and fitness in the New Prague Aquatic Center - 410 Central Ave. N. Enter door #12
Make behavior changes that stop cravings and obsessions with food, pop/and or tobacco and vaping products. Get motivated to walk/exercise. Stop smoking, vaping/chewing tobacco without withdrawal or weight gain. Hypnosis is a relaxing experience. You may sit in a chair or lay on the floor for the hypnosis part of class.
The fee includes the class, a reinforcement CD, and a lifetime membership card for free reinforcement. Please dress comfortably and bring a pillow, and blanket, sleeping bag or bean bag for additional comfort. Questions? Visit
Lifetime members: Please contact community ed to register at (952) 758-1734 or
Mary has 35 years experience teaching hypnosis classes. She also has a private practice. She holds 6 certifications in hypnosis. She is a certified clinical hypnotherapist.
Mary F Fischer