Kids' Company is a before and after school program held at your child's elementary school. Kids' Company is open on all days school is in session and many non-school days.
Summer Kids' Company School age childcare is a full day, M-F program offered in Elko New Market and New Prague.
Tiny Trojans is a new full day childcare program beginning at the age of 33 months until they are age eligible to join our District Preschool and WRAP programs.
WRAP is a childcare program designed for preschool children ages 3-5, by September 1 who are also enrolled in one of our District Preschool classes.
Join us for some fun and fitness in the New Prague Aquatic Center - 410 Central Ave. N. Enter door #12
Entering 7th-12th grade
Our High School Diving Camp is designed for athletes of all experience levels who are interested in joining or improving their skills for the high school swimming and diving team. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, this camp will help you refine your technique, build strength, and gain confidence on the boards.
Led by experienced coaches, training will be tailored to accommodate all skill levels, ensuring each athlete is prepared for their upcoming season. With a focus on fundamentals, advanced dives, proper form, and mental strategies, divers will receive personalized instruction to enhance their performance.
Tracy L Torgerson
No Class Jul 2